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Sports Chiropractic in Brentwood

therapy sessionSports chiropractic uses basic chiropractic principles and adds a focus on strength and conditioning, rehabilitation, and more to achieve superior results. Our commitment to comprehensive care and in-house rehabilitation sets our sports chiropractic services apart.

As a former athlete himself, Dr. Chris understands the importance of getting back to your sport as quickly as possible. Our sports chiropractic services are tailored to address a wide range of injuries and conditions, helping athletes of all levels get back in the game and excel in their pursuits.

Sports Injuries We Commonly See

At Dohnal Chiropractic, we specialize in treating a variety of sports injuries, including

Shoulder injuries, common among pitchers and volleyball players
Wrist and elbow issues often seen in athletes performing repetitive motions
Knee problems prevalent in runners and other active individuals
Foot pain and plantar fasciitis affecting athletes on their feet

Whether you’re a dedicated runner, a passionate golfer, or a competitive tennis player, our comprehensive approach to sports chiropractic care can help you overcome your injury and reach your full potential.

Our Approach to Sports Care

Our approach to dealing with sports-related issues focuses on optimizing function and enhancing performance. We begin with a thorough assessment to identify areas of imbalance or dysfunction, using advanced tools like Foot Levelers orthotic scans to analyze your biomechanics from the ground up.

Then, we offer a complete care plan that includes

  • Chiropractic adjustments to restore spinal alignment and optimize nervous system function
  • Soft tissue work to address muscle imbalances and promote faster healing
  • Customized stretches and exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and endurance
  • Mobility exercises to restore proper movement patterns
  • Strengthening exercises to stabilize vulnerable joints and muscles
  • Progressive loading techniques to gradually reintroduce your body to activity and prevent future injuries

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a high school athlete with dreams of playing at the collegiate level, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and excel in your sport. We understand the urgency of getting back on the field or court and prioritize efficient and effective strategies designed to expedite your recovery process.

Ready to Elevate Your Performance?

Don’t let sports injuries hold you back from reaching your full potential. Schedule a consultation with our team today and experience the difference our sports chiropractic services can make in your athletic journey.


Sports Chiropractic Brentwood, Nashville TN | (615) 781-8181